01633 837447 karateinfo@thenkc.com


The Newport Karate Centre

Welcome to The Newport Karate Centre, providing Traditional Shotokan Karate-Do training at affordable prices.

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Sponsors of the Wales Air Ambulance Charity

The Wales Air Ambulance delivers advanced lifesaving medical care to people across Wales 24/7. We are the only air ambulance charity, based in, and dedicated to, the people of Wales and rely entirely on your charitable donations to raise £11.2 million every year to keep the helicopters in the air and fleet of rapid response vehicles on the road.  

Start Learning KARATE TODAY

The Newport Karate Centre, Pill Millenium Centre, Courtybella Terrace, Newport, NP20 2GN,
South Wales,
United Kingdom


WTKF, WKGB (member), JKAWF-Wales, JKA, JKAWF affiliation under Shihan Masao Kawasoe, 8th Dan JKA & JKAWF

‘The Newport Karate Centre’ is a friendly and professionally operated Shotokan karate club established by Sensei’s David Lloyd & Kerry Straeker to promote traditional Shotokan Karate-Do training in Newport

Round of applaues for our sponsors

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TheNKC are a none-profit club delivering high quality Instruction in the art of Shotokan Karate-Do and as such rely on sponsorships such as the following companies, if you would like to help sponsor TheNKC then please call Kerry on 01633 837447.